BC research project seeks views of self-represented litigants
The Law Foundation of BC is funding a research project on the experiences of BC self-represented litigants involved in family or civil cases, as conducted by Julie McFarlane of the University of Windsor's Faculty of Law. Among other questions, the study will ask the following questions of self-represented litigants in Vancouver, Surrey, Prince George and Nanaimo:
- What are your goals?
- What motivated you to manage your case without a lawyer?
- Have there been any surprises or any disappointments?
- Did you consider any alternatives to going to court?
- What is important for policymakers, judges and justice system officers to know about your experience as a self-represented litigant?
To participate in an interview or focus group, or if you have questions regarding the research project, please email Julie Macfarlane at juliem@uwindsor.ca or check out the project website at www.representing-yourself.com .